- Quakers arrived from Virginia, North Carolina, and New Jersey.
- Jeremiah Parker named their meeting "Richsquare" after his previous meeting in North Carolina.
- The first log meetinghouse was built and also used as a school.
- Caleb Wickersham, Thomas Newby, and other congregation members were active participants in the Underground Railroad.
- Separate frames were built for both the meetinghouse and the schoolhouse.
- These frames were destroyed by fire.
- A new school was built and used for worship as well.
- A meetinghouse frame was built for the second time.
- Many of the Friends died during a typhoid epidemic that swept through the neighborhood.
- Some of the congregation's families moved to Iowa, Kansas, and further west.
Civil War era
- The Quaker leaders were opposed to war, but twenty young men from the neighborhood served in the Union. Six were killed; five wounded.
- A brick meetinghouse was built.
- This is the same building Richsquare Meetinghouse occupies today.
- One of the first country women's literary clubs was organized at Richsquare and named "Sesame Circle." After 100 years of meeting, Sesame Circle was laid down.
- The congregation sold a piece of their land in order to buy furniture for the meetinghouse. This furniture included custom-designed pews.
- These pews still reside in Richsquare Meetinghouse.
- Richsquare changed from preparative to a full-fledge meeting.
1922 to 1954
- Mildred White, member of Richsquare, taught in the Friends Schools in Ramallah, Palestine.
- The Richsquare Centennial was held.
- Etta S. White wrote Welcome, and it was recited by Janet Johnson on June 30th of that year.
- The members built the Fellowship Room as an addition to the main building.
1950s to 1970s
- Truman Kenworthy, Murvel Garner, Merton Scott, Larry Page, Clyde Thralls, and others were part-time pastors of Richsquare.
- Teachers and Students from Earlham School of Religion, as well as students from Earlham College, came from the 60s through the 80s.
- D. Elton Trueblood and Mildred White spoke at Homecoming ceremonies.
July 15, 1979
- Lightning hit the steeple of Richsquare, but the building was saved and the damage restored by October of that year.
- Mary Elizabeth Long was pastor until 1984 when the last Homecoming was held.
- Tom Mullen was the Homecoming speaker.
May 2000
- The members of Richsquare approved the laying down of the meeting.
November 19, 2000
- The closing meeting for worship at Richsquare Meetinghouse was held.
- Friends of Richsquare, Inc. was established to preserve and maintain this beloved meetinghouse.
- National Register of Historic Places
- Indiana Register of Historic Places
- Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana
- Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures